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2 poems by Laia Sales Merino

Updated: Jul 30, 2019

a la terrassa del Nevermind

[m'encenc el piti]

pues es que me vuelve loquita but

& you know we met the other day & Barcelona

was dripping wet with a galletas maría light os lo juro

llum daurada in his eyes on his skin

out his mouth when he spoke to me ojos fixed en el cielo

for a second as if watching his whole vida held there birth to legacy

como si the sky was playing all his music y sí he will make it

lo sé in my bones & me wondering

how much of this wet light can i take before este cuerpecito mío

ay flows away & why are his lips shimmering so sorely with it

luz dorada & grapefruit juice always on them que sí

& really how much do i care

about poetry una mierda

sus ojitos though

two sonnets almendrados que me atrapan y no salgo

can't look into them for long honestly

at least without it being obvious que me encanta, joder

because my breath starts falling through & i speak

in pinkish fragments cut by su mirada my voice

entrecortada & my pupils probably huge no green left

& i bet que me ahogo into his swirling brown if i don't keep

looking away & really

i just wanna tell him everything & end up

having conversations with him in my mind smiling

easy wherever i am like that's not healthy no?

but what's healthy when everything feels so good

& the sky getting bigger & bluer i wanna keep feeling

his hard moonlight piercings on my body por la noche la mañana

his voice que sube que baja que me envuelve

keep being ridiculous talking crazy laughing like we're kids again

ay nenas [sip of clara, smile]

i am somewhere else with him or rather

i am as here as i can be like that mindfulness mierda

pues es que me vuelve loquita but [sigh]

pero he can't dance, ostia

no sabe bailar y eso ufff

is a problem.

[apago el piti]

mi trip a cambridge

i. morning

leave the hostel with a fiebreglow

cigarro hanging de mi'labio'—ah no.

leave the hostel with a fiebreglow

look up, sky blauíssim

like in my valley almost

look up, familia i think of you

soaked in sol every dia sí i wish

i grab a bit de azul lo presseo

my mind pa clarifear start

walking sí caminando

respirando swallowing

these horizons till i

inside a café olé

coffeecroissant as fast

as i can i'm late but

this is our breakfast, mama

tallat i croissant te'n recordes?

december cafè 365 Barcelona

legañas sin limpiar, curls sin peinar

you looking at me eyes pine needles

three thousand of them allí smelling

like Segovia, you told me que sí

Adam had become like family but

i don't want

any of my daughters

to end up like me with així

que do what you gotta do, Laieta

for you & nobody else

pero shit i'm very late

or maybe not so late & anyway

estic de camí no?

pues ya está smiling at

the sky, blau of my sisters' eyes

all these people moving next to me their

spiky tongues, nutella tongues, nocilla tongues leche

cacao, avellanas y azúcar!

each speaking el cel different & my ears buzzing

e poi finalmente Alison Richard building 7 West Road & i am

actually on time va va va, en la conferencia

más café más swallowing de

paracetamol hoping for la ausencia

of this sticky orange i just want

blau suau today i wanna concentrate

20 quid joder trying to listen

first speaker, Romanos, hablando

que si el PP que si el PSOE que si

la crisis crisis corrupción los indignados

each syllable crawling to

the 2017 regional election & i

think of you papa tu, al pati after voting

your eyes fixed on anything but me

next to the first pine tree scratching its bark

breaking your nails

like to show me how i scratched el teu cor how

i esgarrapar your heart in the polling place

laia who you voted for! laia what's your mama done!

what you said about her

in a blood voice

i will never forget but Romanos

has stopped talking & my

head, my head

earrings in my sockets

mis ojitos hanging sorely de mis ears au

orejitas wet with voices au, mami

la fiebre.

la fiebrecilla glowing.

ii. evening

leave the conference fiebre-glowing

cigarro hanging de mi labio oops

fuck puto tabaco de mierda que me mata, you beautiful people

so healthy

i wanna be

like you i

wanna let the sky in

my body


until i become cielo until

cielo is holier yo

quiero ser like you i'll

be like you i'm bright like you pero

with mountain stars alpine stars estrelles

del Cadí sí, soon


pero fumando y caminando now

pero el sol se fue y yo tranquila in a park now

en un parque, sitting on lluna grass y mis amores

appear with such a

riu-de-muntanya amor, riu

de la Cerdanya & here we are now

whisperreando boniques

we are tired of chasing

the sun in this country our ojos

brighter than the hottest

day in the UK we are

going aye que nos vamos far

más lejos, as lluny as...

pero i'm starving now i

let them disapperear y voy

pick up a co-op pizza

caminando solita

clutching a blue clipper in the pocket sí walking

with no sonríe, mi amor ay no

sweeter soundtrack que als carrers

de Barcelona, here nightcielo

canturreando my mind nightcielo

y nada else, ah but my body

guitarreando fever y ya

no sé lo que digo no i don't

know what i'm saying

to the hostel receptionist

telling me the oven is broken

la mierda la pizza que me duermo que me muero

in the 4-bed mujeres room ara like

una reina nadie else aquí

take off mi ropa imagine l'abuela gritando estás

más gorda, más gorda, más guapa! ay la alegría

of having a Segovian abuela who thinks

que la chicha es bonita but

under a duvet now por fin

el paracetamol-taking gracias a dios

gracias a dios, a dios, you, el peruano

send me a whatsapp & i

reply sí & bona nit & <3

but bonic, boniquíssim que tus labios on

mi corazón mi puto

corazón tongue

so so close teeth


what you gonna do

y qué harás

y què faràs.

la fiebrecilla glowing.


Laia Sales Merino is a poet from the Catalan Pyrenees. She is currently based in the UK. In her poetry, the English language coexists with Catalan, Spanish and any other language that has been on her mind (recently, Portuguese). Her work can be found in Eyot, amberflora and Ambit.


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