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On the Road by Hongwei Bao

feel the spin of the wheels

the surprise of ramps or potholes

the acceleration, deceleration, sudden turns

your hands on the wheel

your foot on the clutch

your eyes on the windscreen

sitting next to you, feeding you a humbug

turning up the radio to sing with Lady Gaga

putting a hand on your knee, your crotch

the splash of the waves is behind us

the moon and the stars hang upon us

the vales and dales open their arms and hearts

we drive through the wind, through time,

space, aerodynamics, our hair covered

with frost as we throw our hometowns behind


Hongwei Bao is a queer Chinese writer and academic based in Nottingham, UK. His

work explores queer desire, Asian identity, diasporic positionality and transcultural

intimacy. He is the author of Dream of the Orchid Pavilion (Big White Shed Press

2024) and The Passion of the Rabbit God (Valley Press, 2024).



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