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eat it up by Blossom Hibbert

my god

you really were going to eat me whole

teaspoon of earth stirred into morning

bassline hold on tight

there is a dead stallion in the field and

looks like i’ve been held up tonight

by your incisers at least electronic music

has a shelter and his packed lunch ready ‘cos traffic

is chock-a-block cheese sandwich

prepared inappropriately by some doting creature

the poet is synergistic with defeat in retrospect

i never did enjoy peeling your oranges


Blossom Hibbert has a pamphlet, suddenly, it’s now, published by Leafe Press. Her work has been published in places such as The Temz Review, Litter, International Times and Buttonhook Press. She hides in Nottingham, drinking too much coffee and finding inspiration in blazing monotony. 



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