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2 poems by Laura Lofts

NYE Party

i.m. Laura Lofts


I am opal mind in Los Angeles.

I am mined. I am undermined.


I am curly haired & blonde in the bathtub.


My party trick is pick my position.


I am young. I am dumb. My hip flask full of cum.

I swallow.


How did charlie ever get to decide I am right?


How did charlie ever audition for America with Harvey Weinstein on my mind?


You crave nuance


thanks, but this is my party.


& I’m Laura Fucking Lofts.


There will be no nonce.


No one is illegal.


Which books you like the most?


I’m going to smoke crack.

Poem of the week.

This is the poem of the week.

Kurt Cobain, Oedipus, Laius, Icarus,

Dedalus, Kant, Hegel, James Wright,

Apollinaire, Voltaire; Hemingway, Picasso, Brueghel,

Louis Vuitton, Chistian Dior, Yves Saint Laurent,

Charlie Mingus, Charlie Chaplin,

Harry Styles, Botticelli, Man Ray, Pope John Paul II

Brain Wilson, Will Smith,

Wayne Holloway-Smith.

That was the poem of the week.


Laura Lofts once was a gradtuate with a BA in Classics from Oxford and is now a full time brat. She is inebrieted.


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