North of Blue
“He closes his eyes. This is my superpower,
he thinks”
Ocean Vuong
just a semitone half-hue
somewhere south of violet north
of blue a vibrant ink perhaps
electric as hummingbirds
these tropical days of dust
and indolence and clouds that shy
from the light I hear a whisper
of something rising unseen
and there in the deep
of lidded eyes I find my special
superpower to dream
in shades of indigo
Wild Violet
Imagine a colour
without name or provenance –
say lapis
think blue made wise
by fire and the heart
of damask violets –
a sight for bees
and wild eyes
that see
where we are forever blind.
Retired and living in Orkney, Huw comes from a line of poets in the Welsh bardic tradition, though he denies ever having worn a druidic robe. His work has appeared in ‘Acumen’ and ‘Tears in the Fence’, and his debut pamphlet, ‘The Art of Counting Stars’, was published in 2021.