You’re so Cool
In response to a video of her son
singing about not wanting to fall
into lava I told her that I was once
tattooed in Greece by a man
named Bunny who had fled his
native Portugal in the wake of an
unspecified crime and who had
asked me what my favorite natural
disaster was and when I asked if
he meant the one that made me
feel the most scared or the most
good he was confused so I just
said tsunamis and I don’t remember
what his was just that he was very
passionate about it and also the idea
that everything is bullshit—music,
parties, people, drugs—all of it
bullshit. She said That’s so cool
and I thought about her hair which
is curly like mine and last Christmas
when she drank too much and
kissed me, and later, her sweet
regret and I said YOU’RE so cool.
Kiss on a Pier
Did you get me sick?
I texted him, nudging
shut my car door
No. I can’t reach you
he wrote back. I walked
towards the pier
Have you tried?
I asked him from California
sitting down with pigeons
He replied from Virginia
with his wife and kids
Try right now. I bet I’ll feel it.
I closed my eyes
as the wind kissed my breast
Felt it.
Alison Miller is a writer and sex educator whose poetry has been published in various literary magazines including Hobart Pulp, Anti-Heroin Chic, Ariel Chart, and Bareback Magazine. The owner of sex positive adult boutiques in Richmond, Virginia, she currently resides in San Diego.