3 poems by Flo Reynolds

the other body

moss-packed napkin
oak bark
tied with a grass hitch

into the package place
oak cupule
scarlet elf cup
the fruiting body

+ by the tomentum
fine down covering
find your edge

laughing little beetle
lie in leaves
with the other body
rot mothers
yeasts in their single cells

what space is claimed is shared
so breathe
+ press outwards
to the edge
+ its nociceptors

tapetum lucidum
laps all around

yes, moss-cosied one
robin’s pincushion
grows the gall
through the gill



senecio! O green
orb, surpreme drip
crying solero shots

mother-in-law’s tongue
folded green biltong
brazen cheeky thing

the funnest ant slide
spider froths coy
each day a new wig

with her squid-wings
venus threw a lure
kite of chilli flakes

buoyed pot, its plant
is so whisk-like
it is stiff peaks

flytrap shrivels
from bright reptile
to bunch of keys

mother-in-law’s claws
fur coat, no bite
pressed along a scissorblade

generation after
generation after
spider after


still life with mangelwurzel

mangelwurzel rows upon
scoubidous drag atlantic
thalasso for massage

the child once spoke
carrotwater panacea
+ phare ouest cola

do you remember
3 young sailors
far as nova scotia

or he who kicked
his silage machine
+ became it

the devil Salamander
nests in a blue roof
madame skins a rabbit

the kidneys still in
+ the tongue
hinting at a lost tongue

a belly skims earth
rolling grass lint
bright adder or toad

+ the rabbit in the barn
incisor more than socket
yet sweet lozenges


Flo Reynolds is a poet, artist and literature events producer. Recent poems have appeared in The White Review,Stand,The Interpreter's House, amberflora, Magma, Datableed and more. You can find Flo online at floreynolds.com.